My 5 favourite apps.

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After blogging about how I stay organised, I thought I’d write a post about my favourite apps as I mentioned a number of them in the organisation post (which can be found here). Obviously not all of them are organisational based apps, as they’re just my favourite apps in general.


Timetree is the app that Mark and I use for our joint calendar as we can both input different events, as well as colour coding different groups so that you can see the different things coming up over the months. We have groups like: trips, Grayson, blog stuff and general burning stuff. There’s also a ‘keep’ option that we use for things like recipes and shopping lists and they don’t go under a certain date. This is the only app Mark and I have ever used for our calendar and it just works for us.


Tasks is basically a to-do list, where you can set up separate groups and have tick boxes set up and tick off things as and when you complete them. I have home, work, family and misc so that I have all my bases covered and I can remember all the different things I need to remember. You can also set up reminders so that you don’t forget anything, and I love a to-do list so this works perfectly for me.

The Wonder Weeks

The wonder weeks is an app that someone told me about when Grayson was roughly around 2 months old. It’s an app that explains all the developmental leaps your baby is going through and how to spot the signs and how you can help them, and it’s SO interesting. I love the app and find it so interesting to read about what Grayson is currently learning, and Mark often asks me about “what upgrades Grayson’s getting”.


Habits is a relatively new app that I’ve downloaded, but so far I’m finding it really useful. You can set up anything you want to keep track of, and tick off if you do (or don’t) do the thing on certain days. This might not be the best explanation, so I’ll give you an example. I have blogging and whether I’ve written a post that day, and picking and whether or not I’ve picked my arms that day. It then tracks which days you tick off and it’ll create a chart on how you’re doing.


Spotify is without a doubt my favourite app, all that music in one place is more than I could ever ask for. You can create playlists at the top of a hat, and close the app and the music doesn’t stop. Which basically makes it 10x better than YouTube already. As a huge music lover, any app that let’s me play music that easily is fine by me!

If you have any favourite apps, let me know, as I’m always looking for new apps to download!

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How I stay organised.

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