
Top tips for fussy eating toddlers.

Grayson eating

When we first started weaning all those years ago (only a year and a half, but still feels like forever ago!) Grayson was such a good eater. He would eat anything you put in front of him or put on a spoon for him, but as he hit ‘toddler-hood’ he …

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Raising a sensitive child.

sensitive child

I’ll start by saying Grayson is an absolute diamond, that as his mum he can do no wrong in my eyes and that I love him with my whole heart regardless of who he is and what he does. This post isn’t me in any way criticising sensitive children, if …

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Why we’re raising our son as a feminist.


We did have a different blog post scheduled in for today but as yesterday was international woman’s day I ended up writing this post instead. I love international woman’s day, I love seeing all these strong women and men celebrating how far women have come. I do always find it …

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Why the toddler stage is my favourite.

I often remember a lot of parents saying “new borns are a breeze, it’s toddlers are the difficult ones” and I remember looking down at my little squishy baby wondering how he could ever become difficult. Grayson is now 20 months old, and heading for 21. He hasn’t been a …

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