
Raising a sensitive child.

sensitive child

I’ll start by saying Grayson is an absolute diamond, that as his mum he can do no wrong in my eyes and that I love him with my whole heart regardless of who he is and what he does. This post isn’t me in any way criticising sensitive children, if …

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Dealing with negativity online.

negativity online

Mark and I have both felt affected by comments online recently, not necessarily ‘trolling’ but negative comments that just aren’t needed. I also know that we aren’t alone, as many people experience negativity online – it doesn’t matter who you are. We’re very lucky that the people we interact with …

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Parenting as an ambivert


So I’d imagine most of you that will read this post are already aware that a people are either introverts or extroverts. There are however, some people that don’t necessarily fall into one or the other. Those people are known as ambiverts. I see myself as an ambivert, as I …

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The Book You Wished Your Parents Had Read : a book review.

I’d asked for this book for my birthday as I’d been desperate to read it for a while. I love reading books that could possibly help me as a person, and even better if they can help me become a better parent. I started reading it about a week or …

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